Tom is a seasonal packer who works in a pet store during the Black Friday Sales week. He and the team have to pack and sort over 10,000 orders overnight to ensure the courier can pick up packages and process the shipment before 6 am. Tom will have to pack and sort different combinations of packages at each level and might experience multiple product shortages and damages. To ensure there is enough time to prepare packages and collect the bonus pay at the final level, Tom would need to send out requests to the fulfillment associate to bring more products to the packing room and ask the manager for extra help.

Directions: Use the direction buttons on the keyboard to control the walking directions of Tom, the avatar, and to use the left button on the mouse for drag and drop and clicking purposes. Players would also need to apply counting skills in packing tasks and to have a basic understanding of States’ postal abbreviations.


This game design did not use any template, but some elements, such as drag and drop and scoring, were created by following some tutorials on YouTube. The number of packages, ordered items, and shipping destination will remain uncertain. Players will print out the order summaries whenever new orders come in. They will then have to prepare those packages accordingly. In this prototype, there are only three orders that players would need to prepare and sort. This modification gives players the concept of constructing the basic workflow without experiencing any extra challenges that could affect the performance. When starting the game, players receive 20 base points and two extra points for each correctly placed item. 2 points will be deducted when an item is placed incorrectly. Players can use 20 points to call for fulfillment and 10 points to request extra help starting in level 2.

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